Hoteliers Everywhere Are Speaking Out, “Work-Life Balance Matters”

Work-life balance matters.
This is the resounding message being silently shouted by hoteliers all over the world. According to a recent article, “The Great Resignation and the Hospitality Industry” posted by Hospitality Net, “establishing a work/life balance” is “one of the top three concerns” employees have expressed when quitting. One of the great actions hotel operators can take is to “show a renewed focus on employee well-being and personal goals.”
A recent internal survey by Hotel Employee Rate directed to the hotel employees participating in the Program from all over the globe reaffirms this point. Of those surveyed, 75% of respondents either Agrees or Strongly Agrees that receiving exclusive hotel employee rates is a benefit that is valued by them, a special perk four out of five will seek to take advantage of when booking their holidays (60% of respondents are planning to take more than two holiday trips this upcoming year). Perhaps most revealing, those employees participating in the Hotel Employee Rate Program are speaking highly of their organization with nearly three out of four Agreeing or Strongly Agreeing their company values their work-life balance. On average, better than four out of five respondents would recommend the Hotel Employee Rate Program to their friends and family (employees love that they can add up to 10 of their friends and family to the Program).
The survey also reveals the strained environment some hoteliers encountered when seeking exclusive hotel employee rate travel benefits during the 2022 post-covid period. In some key markets, hotels were offering limited inventory to the Program, particularly in major gateway destinations in the SE USA and western Europe where travel demand exceeded that of 2019. Some of those surveyed voiced their dissent with the overall availability of hotel employee rates at participating hotels, and the overall level of discounts being offered by hotels, the majority of which are dynamically discounted. This is indeed distressing, particularly given the need to take greater care of hotel employees with the recruitment and retention challenges facing the lodging industry as of late. Hotel Employee Rate is working with its hotel partners to increase its hotel employee rate inventory while working to expand upon its global network of hotels. The Program currently features over 2,500 independent and branded hotels and resorts worldwide for hoteliers to select from at exclusive rates.
The Hotel Employee Rate Program is the global hotel employee travel program welcoming branded hotels, independent hotels and hotel companies worldwide. The hotel-controlled Program allows participating hotels the opportunity to offer their teams hotel employee rate travel benefits, similarly offered by major international hotel brands. To learn more, please visit