Welcome SCRLA!
We are thrilled to announce a new partnership we have with the South Carolina Restaurant & Lodging Association in support of the Hotel Employee Rate Travel Program and hoteliers everywhere. SCRLA member hotels are encouraged to contact their association for preferred membership benefits when joining the program.
SCRLA joins several other international and national hotel associations collaborating with Hotel Employee Rate including the Hotel Association Of New York City, California Hotel & Lodging Association, Alabama Restaurant and Hospitality Association(ARHA), Pennsylvania Restaurant & Lodging Association, Virginia Restaurant, Lodging & Travel Association, Georgia Hotel & Lodging Association, Greater Miami and the Beaches Hotel Association, and the International Society of Hotel Associations.
The hoteliers-only Hotel Employee Rate Travel Program is the only universal hotel employee travel platform allowing hotels and hoteliers globally to receive the wonderful benefits of hotel employee rate travel.
#hoteliers – Join today and travel to thousands of hotels and resorts offering exclusive rates.
To learn more, visit us at www.hotelemployeerate.com